All items purchased from Stylishly Encased will be handmade just for YOU. The time required before shipment for phone cases and Airpod Max cases is currently averaging 1-4 business days but we kindly ask that you always allow up to 7, especially during peak seasons like Christmas.
Cell Phone Wallet Bags, Leather Handbags, Leather Combat Boots and Hooded Cloaks are all custom made fat our China facility. Please allow up to 7 business days for these items to be handcrafted for you before shipping.
We always provide tracking information. You can track the status of your order at any time by utilizing the tracking information sent by email. Please note that if your order contains multiple items, they may ship separately, at no extra expense to you.
Various factors that lie out of our direct control make predicting delivery times extremely difficult. We recommend using a service like
Parcels App once we provide you with tracking information, which uses real carrier data to predict delivery timeframes.
International shipments may incur customs fees. The customs policy is different in each country, and the fee is usually based on a variety of factors like weight, value, and size. We do not take responsibility for customs fees.